Alaska Nature Photography


Undeniably beautiful, Alaska presents itself differently upon every viewing. Endless summer days quickly fade to dark winter nights interrupted by short bursts of low-angle sunlight. The extreme rhythm of seasons inspires creativity. I made a one-way drive up to Alaska from Texas in the summer. Soaking in the Rockies from New Mexico to Alberta and the expanses of the Yukon, I was unsure if at my destination I would long for places driven by. I do not. Even from Anchorage proper I see the front range of the Chugach to the East, the Kenai Peninsula to the South, the Tordrillo Mountains over the Cook Inlet to the West, and, on a clear day, Denali to the North. I am grateful to call Alaska home.



Undeniably beautiful, Alaska presents itself differently upon every viewing. Endless summer days quickly fade to dark winter nights interrupted by short bursts of low-angle sunlight. The extreme rhythm of seasons inspires creativity. I made a one-way drive up to Alaska from Texas in the summer. Soaking in the Rockies from New Mexico to Alberta and the expanses of the Yukon, I was unsure if at my destination I would long for places driven by. I do not. Even from Anchorage proper I see the front range of the Chugach to the East, the Kenai Peninsula to the South, the Tordrillo Mountains over the Cook Inlet to the West, and, on a clear day, Denali to the North. I am grateful to call Alaska home.

You should never go to Alaska as a young man because you’ll never be satisfied with any other place as long as you live.
— John Muir
Alaska has long been a magnet for dreamers and misfits, people who think the unsullied enormity of the Last Frontier will patch all the holes in their lives. The bush is an unforgiving place, however, that cares nothing for hope or longing.
— John Krakauer, Into the Wild